島谷織流合作聯盟成員介紹_Midudu Jewelry Lab / Midudu珠寶實驗室
作品參考連結(Product references link):
MIDUDU JEWELRY LAB金工實驗室由兩位來自花蓮里漏部落的阿美族雙胞胎設計師共同經營,姊姊李若珊(Panay Akibo)曾旅法11年,浸染了濃厚藝術人文氛圍的若珊愛上工藝之美,於是在法國成立工作室,曾獲法國報章的報導;妹妹李若琳(Api Akibo)從學生時代便專攻文化藝術,從而接觸到金工,曾在中國成立工作室,後來因為父親身體狀況不佳,加上進入疫情時代,衡量下決定返回東台灣。
在父親離世後,兩姊妹有感於一個時代的結束,痛感上一代的堅持與文化正逐漸凋零,於是在姑姑陳明珠校長的提案下,成立了「MIDUDU JEWELRY LAB金工實驗室」。
MIDUDU JEWELRY LAB, a metalworking laboratory, is jointly operated by twin designers from the Amis tribe in Lirui, Hualien. The elder sister, Panay Akibo (若珊), spent 11 years in France, deeply immersed in the rich artistic and cultural atmosphere. Inspired by the beauty of craftsmanship, she established a studio in France and was featured in French newspapers. Her younger sister, Api Akibo (若琳), pursued cultural arts from her student days and eventually delved into metalworking. She established a studio in China but later returned to eastern Taiwan due to their father’s declining health and the onset of the pandemic.
Following their father’s passing, the sisters felt the end of an era and a poignant awareness that the steadfastness and culture of the previous generation were gradually fading away. At the suggestion of their aunt, Principal Chen Mingzhu, they founded “MIDUDU JEWELRY LAB,” where “Midudu” in the Amis language means “to follow.” It signifies following the footsteps of their ancestors and adhering to the wisdom of their elders, integrating “culture” and “innovation.”
In the works of Panay and Api, one often sees a blend of the concrete and the abstract. Each piece is inspired by tribal culture and mythical stories, with the sisters engraving their insights into a diary. Through their designs, they aim to blend the elegance of French aesthetics with the rustic charm of indigenous culture, preserving Amis tribal stories in contemporary craftsmanship forms.